Staying at Casa Iguana?

If you spend 3 or more nights at Casa Iguana you get 10% off any diving or diving courses

Note - 10% deal can not be used with any other deal, Manuals and "special" rate dives are not included

Summer Specials 2011

May 1st - December 15th

Accommodation - Casa Iguana

Diving package



3 Nights Cabana 5 dive pack


3 Nights Cabana (2 sharing)

5 dive pack (each)


5 nights Cabana 10 dive pack $345 $160
5 nights Cabana (2 sharing) 10 dive pack (each) $565 $220
3 nights deluxe Casita 5 dive pack $300 $75
3 nights deluxe Casita (2 sharing) 5 dive pack (each) $435 $90
5 nights deluxe Castia 10 dive pack $495 $160
5 nights deluxe Casita (2 sharing) 10 dive pack (each) $715 $220

Accommodation - Casa Iguana

PADI Courses



5 Nights Cabana Open water (3.5 days) $379 $70
5 Nights Casita Open water (3.5 days) $529 $70
5 Nights Cabana Advanced (2-3 days) $329 $65
5 Nights Casita Advanced (2-3 days) $479 $65
5 Nights Cabana Rescue * (4 days) $349 $65
5 Nights Casita Rescue * (4 days) $499 $65

* For the PADI Rescue course you are required to complete or have completed a basic first aid course with CPR In the last 2 years (certificate of proof required) You can take the Emergancy First Respnce course at Dive Little Corn but an extra day is needed so remember to book an addtional night at Casa Iguana.

Course's do not include the price of the manauls.

Sharing but not the combination you are looking for? Look at the pricing tables below to find your cost.


2 people Cabana Open Water Advanced Rescue 5 dive pack 10 dive pack
Open Water 633 583 603 514 599
Advanced 583 533 553 464 549
Rescue 603 553 573 484 569
5 dive pack 514 464 484 395 480
10 dive Pack 599 549 569 480 565


2 people Casita Open Water Advanced Rescue 5 dive pack 10 dive pack
Open Water 783 733 753 664 749
Advanced 733 683 703 614 699
Rescue 753 703 723 634 719
5 dive pack 664 614 634 545 630
10 dive Pack 749 699 719 630 715



To make a Reservation please Email [email protected], please Quote "Summer Specials" with your group size, planned arrival date and departure date.
